1. mkcert: Make locally trusted development certificates with any names you’d like
  2. procs: A modern replacement for ps written in Rust
  3. ripgrep: Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore

Tip of the week: Use awk to increment a semantic version number

Split the string by a period character, and $NF will represent the last segment of the version number. The output field separator is also set to a period character so the return string is in semver format. For example:

% echo "3.6" | awk -v FS=. -v OFS=. '{$NF++;print}'

% echo "3.6.13" | awk -v FS=. -v OFS=. '{$NF++;print}'

% echo "3.6.13" | awk -v FS=. -v OFS=. '{$(NF-1)++;print}'

% echo "3.6.13" | awk -F. '{$(NF-2)++;print $1}'