1. exa: A modern replacement for ls
  2. buku: Personal mini-web in text
  3. treeage: Listing contents of repository in a tree-like format with age metric

Tip of the week: Move around directories quickly with various Zsh builtin methods:

# Return immediately to the previous directory:
% cd -

# With zsh, enable auto_cd [in ~/.zshrc] to move around without `cd`:
% setopt auto_cd
% .. # Go up a directory
% ../foo # Go up a directory and enter the 'foo' directory
% ../.. # Go up two directories

# Set a "bookmarked" directory once auto_cd is enabled:
% cdpath=(/path/to/important_directory)
% cd important_directory/subdirectory

# Keep a running list of directories visited:
% setopt auto_pushd
% cd /usr/local/bin; cd ~/.local/bin; cd ~/.config/gcloud
% echo $dirstack # See your directory stack
% cd -2 # Jump to element '2' in the stack (counting from the right, starting at zero)
% cd +1 # Jump to element '1' in the stack (counting from the left, starting at zero)

# Now the fun begins:
% setopt pushd_ignore_dups # Prevent duplicates in the stack
% cd "$(printf '%s
' "${dirstack[@]}" | fzf)"