1. diff2html-cli: Pretty diff to html javascript cli
  2. gum: A tool for glamorous shell scripts

Article of the week: A Little Story About the ‘yes’ Unix Command

The trivial program yes turns out not to be so trivial after all. It uses output buffering and memory alignment to improve performance.

Tip of the week: Using number ranges for loops and profit:

% seq 10        # print "1" through "10" on newlines
% echo {1..10}  # print "1" through "10" on a single line
% seq 3 3 21    # print "3" through "21", every third number

# generate a random number of a specific length
% for _ in {1..5}; do echo -n $((RANDOM % 10)); done

# create numbered directories in intervals of four from "4" through "32"
% for i in $(seq 4 4 32); do mkdir "folder-${i}"; done