1. tre: Tree command, improved.
  2. glances: A top/htop alternative for GNU/Linux, BSD, Mac OS and Windows operating systems.

Article of the week: An introduction to the GNU Core Utilities

These tools are indispensable because, without them, it is impossible to accomplish any useful work on a Unix or Linux computer.

Tip of the week: Using global aliases with Zsh:

# Normally an alias can only be used as a prefix...
alias k='kubectl'
k --context gke-dev get pods --namespace my_super_long_namespace

# But Zsh has the concept of global aliases...
alias -g myns='--namespace my_super_long_namespace'
k --context gke-dev get pods myns

# These aliases can also point to functions...
get_myns() { kubectl --context gke-dev get ns -o name | fzf | cut -d/ -f2; }
alias -g gmyns='--namespace "$(get_myns)"'
k --context gke-dev get pods gmyns