- httpie: Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client
- artem: Convert images from multiple formats to ASCII art
Article of the week: Base64 encoding
Using Base64 encoding may seem esoteric, but there are many common scenarios where you will encounter Base64 in systems administration. Knowing how to recognize, encode, and decode Base64 is valuable due to its prevalence as an encoding approach.
Tip of the week: The classic sorting and counting:
# we use 11 elements because bash indexing starts at 0, but zsh indexing starts at 1
% declare -a data=(alpha beta gamma delta epsilon zeta eta theta iota kappa lamdba)
# generate some random data:
% for _ in {1..1000}; do i=$(( RANDOM % 10 + 1 )); echo "${data[$i]}" >> /tmp/data; done
# count the number of instances of each line:
% sort /tmp/data | uniq -c
96 alpha
96 beta
105 delta
96 epsilon
88 eta
106 gamma
111 iota
103 kappa
103 theta
96 zeta
# re-sort by the number of instances found:
% sort /tmp/data | uniq -c | sort -nr
111 iota
106 gamma
105 delta
103 theta
103 kappa
96 zeta
96 epsilon
96 beta
96 alpha
88 eta