1. mani: CLI tool to help you manage repositories
  2. asciinema: Terminal session recorder

Article of the week: A Brief History of Containers

For this trip, step into my DeLorean time machine, and let’s journey to 1979, when the concept of containers first emerged.

Tip of the week: An introduction to HEREDOCs:

# basic output to stdout
cat << EOF
The current directory is $PWD.

# basic output to a file
cat << EOF > /path/to/file
The variable $foo will be interpreted.

# don't interpret variables
cat << 'EOF' > /path/to/file
The variable $bar will not be interpreted.

# pipe the heredoc through a command
cat << 'EOF' | sed 's/foo/bar/g' > /path/to/file
All instances of "foo" will be replaced.

# write the heredoc to a file using sudo
cat << 'EOF' | sudo tee /path/to/file
This file will be owned by 'root'.

# use a heredoc, but indented (the HEREDOC must use a tab character, not spaces!)
if true; then
    cat <<- EOF
    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three