1. shellharden: The corrective bash syntax highlighter
  2. sampler: Tool for shell commands execution, visualization and alerting

Article of the week: Unix legend, who owes us nothing, keeps fixing foundational AWK code

Kernighan, now 80, offhandedly mentions in the interview that he has also patched something “quick and dirty” to let AWK handle CSV files.

Tip of the week: Getting information about your system:

uptime # uptime
id # user information

pmset -g batt # macOS battery
cat /sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/{capacity,status} # Linux battery

sw_vers # macOS system info
cat /etc/os-release # Linux distro info

system_profiler # macOS system profile
dmidecode # Linux system profile

systemstats # macOS system stats
sysstat # Linux system stats

sudo softwareupdate -aiR # install macOS updates and reboot