1. pdfgrep: A tool to search text in PDF files
  2. pz: Handle day to day CLI operation via Python instead of regular Bash programs

Article of the week: Why Didn’t BSD Beat Out GNU and Linux?

Of course, BSD hardly disappeared entirely once Linux had become popular by the mid-1990s. On the contrary, a variety of operating systems based on Net 2, including NetBSD, OpenBSD and FreeBSD, remain alive and well today, with small but passionate communities of users.

Tip of the week: Use GNU Parallel to make jobs execute in parallel

# Examples showing how to split the command and the arguments:
% parallel echo {} ::: hello world

% parallel echo {1} {2} ::: alpha beta ::: one two
alpha one
alpha two
beta one
beta two

# Convert an audio file simultaneously to multiple formats:
parallel ffmpeg ~/Audio/file.flac ~/Audio/file.{} ::: ogg m4a opus

# Simultaneously convert multiple tab separated files to csv files:
parallel "tr '\t' ',' < {} > {.}.csv" ::: *.tsv

# Create individual directory archives simultaneously:
% ls
dir1 dir2 dir3
% find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | parallel "tar -czf {.}.tar.gz {}"
% ls
dir1 dir1.tar.gz dir2 dir2.tar.gz dir3 dir3.tar.gz