CLI Tools

  1. stegosaurust: Steganography tool, written in rust
  2. ugrep: ultra fast grep with interactive TUI, fuzzy search, boolean queries, hexdumps and more

Articles of Note

Tip of the Week

The many ways of dealing with file compression:

A mnemonic for tar -xzvf file.tar.gz… e[x]tract [z]e [v]arious [f]iles

  • Can’t remember the tools for every compression algorithm? Try extract!
  • Or (a shameless plug) my own fork with added functionality!
  • Here’s a function to gzip a folder: tardir () { tar -czf "${1%/}".tar.gz "$1"; }; usage: tardir <FOLDER_NAME>
  • A oneliner to download and extract single-file zip archives: curl -sN https://.../ | funzip - > ~/extracted-file

Bonus tip! Can’t transfer files (binary, zip, etc.), but only text? Use base64:

# convert to base64:
base64 -w0 /path/to/file | pbcopy  # or `xclip`, `xsel` for Linux
# transfer the text using your chosen method, the recipient should paste the plaintext in a file:
base64 -d /path/to/encoded/file > /path/to/decoded/file