CLI Tools
Articles of Note
- A brief interview with AWK creator Dr. Brian Kernighan
- The history of how Unix started and influenced Linux
- #gitPanic - Merging and Rebasing
- How to make Linux feel like Unix
Tip of the Week
Reading man pages and getting help:
# on macOS, use Preview to open a man page:
% preman() { mandoc -T pdf "$(/usr/bin/man -w $@)" | open -fa Preview; }
% preman <command>
# alternatively, with `ps2pdf`:
% preman() { man -t tr | ps2pdf - | open -fa Preview; }
# open man page in a separate Terminal window:
% xmanpage() { open x-man-page://"$1"; }
% xmanpage <command>
# search man page titles:
% man -k <name>
# search man page contents:
% man -f <term>
# search user curated examples:
% curl<topic>
Ref: On viewing man pages