CLI Tools

  1. gh-dash: A beautiful CLI dashboard for GitHub
  2. arttime: A cross-platform application that blends the beauty of text-art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager

Tip of the Week

Now that we have a decent corpus of CLI tools from #cliday, here’s a handy “one-liner” to pull down a full list:

# these commands assume BSD versions (i.e. macOS)
curl -LJs \
  | tar -xOzf - --strip-components=2 "bradleyfrank-cliday-*/_posts" \
  | grep -E '^(1|2)\.\s\[.*\]\(.*\):\s.*$' \
  | cut -d' ' -f2- \
  | sort

# curl: follow redirects, use the server-provided filename, and be silent
# tar: extract, to stdout, decompress with gzip, the file _from_ stdin
# grep: use extended regex, finding lines matching markdown links
# cut: use a space for a delimiter, show everything from field #2 on
# sort: alphabetize the output

Slightly more fancy, pipe it through glow:

curl -LJs \
  | tar -xOzf - --strip-components=2 "bradleyfrank-cliday-*/_posts" \
  | grep -E '^(1|2)\.\s\[.*\]\(.*\):\s.*$' \
  | sed -r "s/^(1|2)\./-/g" \
  | sort \
  | glow -

# sed: with extended regex, replace the ordered list with unordered list
# glow: pipe from stdin