CLI Tools

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Tip of the Week

Using the GitHub CLI tool, gh, you can create and edit gists. However, to update a gist, you are required to open the file in your set editor. But we can get around this by using the VISUAL environment variable, and the tee program.


In historical content, EDITOR would be a lightweight editor (e.g. ed) and VISUAL would be a full-fledged editor (e.g. vi). Nowadays, you can set them both to the same (e.g. vim, emacs), and you may even opt to set VISUAL to a GUI app (e.g. code for VSCode). The shell will open the appropriate program when applicable. Side note: this is similar for the PAGER variable as well, e.g. set it to bat instead of less.

Part 2: Piping with tee

The tee programs lets us split output, to stdout but also to a file. Some examples:

% date >&1  # a verbose way to show redirection to stdout
% date >&2  # redirection to stderr
% date > /tmp/date  # output to a file
% date >> /tmp/date  # append output to a file

% date | tee /tmp/date  # output to stdout _and_ a file
% date | tee -a /tmp/date  # stdout and append to a file

# pipe to stdout but also pipe to additional commands
% date +%F_%T | tee /dev/tty | tr -d ":-" | tr "_" "-"

Part 3: Putting it Together

Since gh supports VISUAL, we set it to tee so that reading in a file pipes the file contents into gh without ever opening an editor. The final > /dev/null sinkholes the file contents since we don’t need to actually see it in stdout.

VISUAL=tee gh gist edit GIST < /path/to/file > /dev/null