CLI Tools

  1. fname: Generate random, human-friendly names
  2. python-easter-eggs: Curated list of all the easter eggs and hidden jokes in Python
  1. Why GNU grep is fast
  2. Why ripgrep is faster

Tip of the Week

Using named pipes:

Processes can pipe output to other processes, e.g. ps | grep vim | wc -l, or files, e.g. pgrep vim > /tmp/vim_pids. If the processes need to communicate between users, for example, or are separated for any reason, you can use a named pipe.

# create the named pipe in an appropriate location
mkfifo /tmp/fifo

# for demonstration purposes, simple output to stdout
tail -f /tmp/fifo | tr ' ' '-'

# now begin the source process in another shell
while :; do date > /tmp/fifo; sleep 1; done

You’ll witness the input into /tmp/fifo as the output, transformed by tr. You can start and stop either process at any time, and the named pipe will remain.