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Tip of the Week

How to get more functionality from a tmux popup window:

For a basic popup window that can be moved around the screen, the command is :display-popup. This requires Ctrl-C to close, and you lose the work done on that screen (i.e. it’s not a tmux pane).

The first trick is to make the popup into a nested tmux window: :display-popup -E "tmux new-session -A -s popup". Now you can can issue a disconnect command (prefix + d) and reattach to that session using the same :display-popup command again.

If you’d rather not have recursive tmux sessions (that is, you want a completely separate tmux server running in the popup), you can tell tmux to start a new server by using a different socket: :display-popup -E "tmux -L popup-socket new-session -A -s popup".

If your tmux is heavily customized and you want a minimal or different tmux profile instead, you can specify the config to use: :display-popup -E "tmux -L popup-socket -f /opt/homebrew/opt/tmux/share/tmux/example_tmux.conf new-session -A -s popup".

Popup windows are further customizable; for example, you can set width and height: :display-popup -E -w 50% -h 50% "tmux new-session -A -s popup".

And finally, you can bind it all to a shortcut: bind 'P' display-popup -E "tmux -L popup-socket -f /opt/homebrew/opt/tmux/share/tmux/example_tmux.conf new-session -A -s popup".